Monday, January 26, 2009

New Blog/Content/Rules

This is my first blog. I'm new to it, and will probably make mistakes. So be it. The reason I've started this blog is that I often send political comments to my friends. Some like them. Some don't. If I keep my thoughts in a blog, those that aren't interested won't be offended. I'm not sure that I like that though, because I don't mind offending people, as I don't mind being offended. I think that respectful political discourse is a good thing for our Republic. It helps keep us honest. I will openly admit that I generally vote Republican, that I am a believer in Capitalism, and that I believe in God and that I love this Country. I do find that I don't always agree with the standard Republican platform. I am not professionally involved in politics, and my comments here are my own, and do not have anything to do with my employer.


1.) Be civil. You don't need to be nice. Just be civil.

2.) Don't take the Lord's name in vain. I will edit it. It is uneccesary. If you want to do it, start your own blog.

3.) Try not to curse. A cuss word here and there can make a point. More than that is excessive. Quoting others who cuss (within reason) is acceptable.

4.) Cite your sources. Don't steal things, especially ideas. It's okay to not always be original. Much of the thought process is consolidating things until they make a bigger picture.

I'll try to include others thoughts and opinions, but may edit or shorten them for length. If I do so, (and I will try to avoid this except in extreme circumstances) I will note that I am doing it.

5.) Please avoid heaping scorn on those who do not welcome the public eye. For example, discuss President Obama, his wife, President Bush and his wife if you choose, but don't discuss their children, unless they open themselves up.

6.) Don't lie. Everyone makes mistakes. Try not to make them too often. If I make one (or more) please correct me. It was unintentional. I welcome the opportunity to learn something new.

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